Thursday, February 28, 2019

What are manners ?

What are manners?
It’s the plural form of manner which means mode of action, way of performing or doing anything.
A person's outward bearing or way of behaving towards others
Respect, kindness, and consideration form the basis of manners.
How to Develop Good Manners?

In this day and age of coarse language and mannerisms, basic courtesy and manners make a person stand out in the crowd. Whenever a person shows the basic manners, gratitude and treats others with respect, it spreads positivity all around.
People debate that today it is quite unusual to come across such personalities. But, it is actually a matter of personal experience and surroundings. We cannot say that good manners and etiquette's have been wiped off the planet, nor we can say that everybody has the same level of it.
Another thing to add is when we come across people of different cultures, and without knowing what they are actually trying to convey, we judge them. Though the basic mannerism remains the same for all of us, sometimes, specific actions or signs mean differently in other cultures. So, whenever you are in any such situation, be cautious before developing your perception about them.
What people often fail to notice is that good manners leave a good impression on others. While someone may forget why they think well of you, it may be your courtesy or good manners that might have made an impression on them.
Practising good manners is being aware of and respecting the feelings of others.
Here are a few footsteps to develop good manners:

1.     Treat others as you want them to treat you. Put yourself in other people’s shoes and imagine how they would want to be treated. Be friendly, helpful, respectful, and courteous to the people around you. Just ask yourself, "If you were in their situation, how would you want to be treated?"
2.    Learn to smile when you meet people. Acknowledge the presence of another person. Smile and greet people when you meet them.
2.    If you're speaking to an elder, an acquaintance, a business associate, or your boss, go for a formal greeting by using their title
3.    Dress appropriately. Every place or event has a dress code. Dress accordingly and look presentable. This includes taking a shower, keeping your hair, skin, nails, and clothing clean. Also, you should wear clean clothes. Your good manners may go unnoticed if you are not well-groomed.
4.    Introduce people the right way. The first step in making introductions is to know who should be introduced to whom.  Use phrases like “I’d like to introduce you to” or “May I introduce you to,” should be used before taking the person’s name.
5.    Greet people when you are introduced to them. When you are introduced to someone, look into the person’s eyes, remember his name, and offer a handshake and say, “It’s a pleasure meeting you.” Make eye contact with the person you are talking to.
6.    Acknowledge people when they leave. When someone is leaving your home, it is a good etiquette to walk them out to their car. Say a short goodbye like, “Drive safely. Thank you for dropping by. It was a pleasure meeting you. Give my love to your family.” Wave as they drive away. Leave once they have safely pulled out of your driveway.
7.     Say please and thank you. Every time you ask someone for a favor, remind yourself to say please. It does not matter how small the favor is. Every time someone helps you, say thank you even if it is to a barista serving you a coffee. Always make sure to say “excuse me” if you need to leave your dinner table or a social setting temporarily.
8.    Hold doors open for others. Hold doors open for someone who would be entering shortly after you, for women, for someone with a baby stroller, for people with their hands full, someone with a child with them, people who are weak, elderly, handicapped, etc.

We at Gracious Avatar   help you to learn by practicing and implementing the same which will help you to become a well-mannered human being.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How to create an impressive Resume /CV

How to create an impressive Resume /CV:

·         A resume is a document used by a person to present their backgrounds and skills. Resumes can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new employment. A typical resume contains a career summary of relevant job experience (in case you have some experience) and your education.
How to Write a Perfect CV
·         Identify the right personaldetails to include. Learn what to add and what to leave.
·         Add a personal statement. Find out what one is and how it can be used to focus a potential employer’s attention on your best attributes.
·         Know what to include in the skill section. Discover how to bring your skills to the fore and make sure you understand the difference between transferable, job-related and adaptive skills.

·         Mention former jobs. Brush up on the best ways to present former or current employment in a way that shows you in the best light.
·         Don’t forget your qualifications. Learn what to include, how to select relevant qualifications for a particular CV and why not listing everything exhaustively is crucial.
·         Develop skills with writing a CV that is adapted to an individual employer or a particular sector of industry to get the best results.
·         Keep it up to date. Find out the best ways of keeping your CV up to date so that it is ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Avoid the common pitfalls found in many CV such as poor layouts, inappropriate language or simply writing too much.
We at Gracious Avatar help you to create an impressive Resume /CV.
Our experienced trainers help you not with the CV but also in preparation for the interview.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Interview Do's and Don'ts

Interview Do's and Don'ts
  • Dress appropriately. Extremes in fashion or very casual clothes should generally be avoided. Look neat and clean.
  • Be punctual. Make sure that you are 10 minutes early.
  • Express yourself and your views clearly.
  • Bring a copy of all relevant documents, so you can refer to them if necessary.
  • Listen carefully to the questions and answer clearly and thoughtfully.
  • Make eye-contact. Remember to talk to the person (not the top right hand corner of the room or at their shoes).
  • Make sure you fully understand the question and query any point about which you may be doubtful.
  • If you are being interviewed by a panel, ensure that you direct your answer
    to the person who asked the question, while still including the other interviewers by making brief eye contact.
  • Ask questions. Selection is a two way process. They select you, but you also select them.
  • Be Confident. Remember that you have applied for the position because you thought that you could do it.
  • Show enthusiasm for the company and the position.
  • Remember that they already like you. Employers don't interview everyone. They only interview those people who they think have the right skills and experience to succeed in the position. Consequently, in the interview, you maintain and improve on the positive image that you have already created.
  • Make sure that you always present your skills in a positive light. Even when describing your weaknesses you should always show them what you are doing to rectify it.
  • Make sure that you have an idea about where you want to be in the future and can relate the future goals to your application for the present position. You must be able to answer the question "Where do want to be in five years’ time?"
  • Don't dress too casually or look untidy.
  • Don't make insulting remarks about past or present employers.
  • Don't fidget or jerk, try to control other nervous behaviours.
  • Conversely, don't sit there like a statue. If you feel more comfortable talking with the aid of your hands for emphasis, then use them, but try not to be too excessive in your gestures.
  • Don't interrupt the interviewer before they have finished asking you a question and never finish their sentences for them.
  • Don't Lie. If you have to lie about what you are like or your abilities in order to obtain the job, you are likely to find yourself in a position that you don't really like and probably one in which you will have problems fulfilling successfully.
  • Don't talk about salary, holidays or bonuses unless they bring them up.
  • Don't answer questions with a simple "yes" or "no". Make sure that you explain your reasoning fully.
  • Don't wear too much perfume or aftershave.
  • Don't smoke before an interview .
We at Gracious Avatar help you to develop your interview skills and will do mock interviews for you .
Our trained and experienced faculty members will guide you to learn these skills and implement them .

Monday, February 25, 2019

Air hostess training institute

An air hostess or cabin crew or flight steward is responsible to provide the welfare, comfort and safety to the travellers or passengers. They have to check the emergency arrangements before takeoff and landing the flight.
Air hostess is one of the high profile professions in India desired by many young graduates. Air hostess profession is like a dream come true for young girls.

Air Hostess job seems as an easy job but she has many responsibilities at the plane and it’s not an easy job.She has to greet every passenger, coordinate with security, make air travel comfortable of the passenger, to guide passenger during their seat settlement and much more.
Also Air Hostess has to handle some difficult passenger and remain patient and calm. Mostly women choose the career of air hostess but those men who choose the career are called ‘Stewards’.An Air Hostess can be later on promoted as Senior Flight Attendant and then Head Attendant.
Behavioural Skills Required to be a cabin crew
Just usual qualifications like educational, physical or medical is not enough for becoming an Air Hostess. You need more than that. This job expects candidates to have certain behavioral skills that reflects  their  personality.
Pleasing PersonalityGood appearance as well as pleasant voice is must. You must be friendly to the passengers on board. A friendly outgoing personality is what makes an Air Hostess.
Good Communication Skills: You must be able to communicate with the travelers and help them out if they need anything. 
Presence of Mind: If there is an emergency landing, then Air Hostess has to use her brain and give all the required instructions to the  passengers on boards. They have to show great presence of mind in any such cases.
Team Work: You have to work with entire cabin crew.
Positive Attitude: Finally, positive attitude that yes you can do the job is needed.
Each Airline conducts an  interview where they will judge you for your overall personality. If selected, then the company will train you further as per their own requirement and standard.
 We at Gracious avatar  have designed our cabin crew preparation program in such a manner that you will be not only prepared for yourself  for an interview but will also be guided to change you poise and body language along with effective communicationskills.
We give 100 % Job assistance and ensure that our experienced and knowledgeable trainers don’t leave any stone unturned in your training .

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Gestures & Facial Expressions

A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication or non-vocal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of, or in conjunction with, speech. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body.
·         Lowering one’s head can be a signal of lack of confidence however if someone lowers their head when complimented, they may be shy or timid.
·         Touching or tucking at one’s ear can indicate indecisiveness.
·         Sincere smiles incorporate the whole face (noticeable in the eyes).
·         A false smile may just engage the lips.
·         Tilting one’s head can symbolize interest in some thing or someone.
·         Over tilted head can be a sign of sympathy
·         Closing of eye or pinching at one’s nose is often done when making a negative evaluation
·         When a listener nods this is usually a positive message and indicates that they are attentive, interested and listening carefully.
·         Excessive nodding can imply that the listener has lost interest but doesn’t want to be rude.
·         Touching one’s nose can indicate doubtfulness or rejection of an idea.
·         Resting a hand on one’s cheek is often done if they are thinking.
·         Rubbing the chin can mean the person is trying to make a decision.
The human face is able to convey emotions without words .Its universal and natural. These actions and emotions are known as nonverbal communication.
1.       Happiness
2.       Sadness
3.       Surprise
4.       Disgust
5.       Fear
6.       Anger
These 6 expressions are just the tip of an iceberg when it comes to what a human faces can express.
We at Gracious Avatar help you to fix your gestures and body language.
Our experienced trainers help you to guide and improve your nonverbal communication.

Friday, February 22, 2019

What is posture?

Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture is the correct alignment of body parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension against gravity. Without posture and the muscles that control it, we would simply fall to the ground.

Normally, we do not consciously maintain normal posture. Instead, certain muscles do it for us, and we don't even have to think about it. Several muscle groups, including the hamstrings and large back muscles, are critically important in maintaining good posture. While the ligaments help to hold the skeleton together, these postural muscles, when functioning properly, prevent the forces of gravity from pushing us over forward. Postural muscles also maintain our posture and balance during movement. 

Why is good posture important?

Good posture helps us stand, walk, sit, and lie in positionsthat place the least strain on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement and weight-bearing activities. 
Helps us keep bones and joints in correct alignment so that our muscles are used correctly, decreasing the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could result in degenerative arthritis and joint pain.
Reduces the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together, minimising the likelihood of injury.
Allows muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and, therefore, preventing muscle fatigue.
Helps prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders, and even back and muscular pain.
To maintain proper posture, you need to have adequate muscle flexibility and strength, normal joint motion in the spine and other body regions, as well as efficient postural muscles that are balanced on both sides of the spine. In addition, you must recognise your postural habits at home and in the workplace and work to correct them, if necessary.

Poor posture can lead to excessive strain on our postural muscles and may even cause them to relax, when held in certain positions for long periods of time. For example, you can typically see this in people who bend forward at the waist for a prolonged time in the workplace. Their postural muscles are more prone to injury and back pain.
Several factors contribute to poor posture--most commonly, stress, obesity, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, abnormally tight muscles, and high-heeled shoes.  In addition, decreased flexibility, a poor work environment, incorrect working posture, and unhealthy sitting and standing habits can also contribute to poor body positioning.

Can I correct my posture?
In a word, yes. Remember, however, that long-standing postural problems will typically take longer to address than short-lived ones, as often the joints have adapted to your long-standing poor posture. Conscious awareness of your own posture and knowing what posture is correct will help you consciously correct yourself. With much practice, the correct posture for standing, sitting, and lying down will gradually replace your old posture. This, in turn, will help you move toward a better and healthier body position.
We at Gracious Avatar help you to rectify you posture and you will learn the correct way of sitting, standing and walking.
The same shall be an add on to your personality and will make an everlasting effect in your life.
Our experienced and trained trainers will guide you and assist you to rectify you posture and body language .

Thursday, February 21, 2019

This article is about Cosmetics & make-up

This article is about Cosmetics & make-up

Women wear several forms of cosmetics, Common make-up items or cosmetics include: lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, foundation. Whereas other common cosmetics can include skin cleansers and body lotions, shampoo and conditioner, hair styling products  (gel, hair spray, etc.) deodorant, perfume ,cologne  .

What are Cosmetics? They are products used to enhance or modify the appearance of the face or texture of the body.
Many cosmetics are designed for application on the face, hair, and body. They are generally mixtures of chemicals some being derived from natural sources and some being synthetics or artificial.  Cosmetics applied to the face to enhance its appearance are often called makeup.
Most cosmetics are distinguished by the area of the body intended for application.

Primer comes in formulas to suit individual skin conditions. Most are meant to reduce the appearance of pore size, prolong the wear of makeup, and allow for a smoother application of makeup. Primers are applied before foundation or eye-shadows depending on where the primer is to be applied.

Lipstick, lip gloss, lip liner, lip plumper, lip balm, lip stain, lip conditioner, lip primer, lip boosters, and lip butters. Lipsticks are intended to add color and texture to the lips and often come in a wide range of colors, as well as finishes such as matte, satin. Lip stains have a water or gel base. Usually designed to be waterproof, the product may come with an applicator brush, roller ball, or could be applied with a finger. Lip glosses are intended to add shine to the lips and may add a tint of colour, as well as being scented or flavoured for a pop of fun. Lip balms are most often used to moisturise, tint, and protect the lips. 

     Concealer covers imperfections of the skin. Concealer is often used for any extra coverage needed to cover acne/pimple blemishes, under eye circles, and other imperfections. Concealer is often thicker and more solid than foundation, and provides longer lasting more detailed coverage as well as creating a fresh clean base for all the rest of the makeup.
 Some formulations are intended only for the eye or only for the face. This product can also be used for contouring the face like ones nose, cheekbones, and jaw line to add a more defined look to the total face.
·     Foundation is used to smooth out the face by covering spots, acne, blemishes, or
uneven skin tone. These are sold in a liquid, cream, or powder, or more recently in a mousse. Foundation provides sheer, matte, dewy or full coverage. Foundation primer is applied before foundation to fill out pores, create a dewy look or create a smoother finish. They usually come in cream formulas to be applied before foundation as a base.

·         Face powder sets the foundation and under eye concealer, giving it a matte finish while also concealing small flaws or blemishes. It can also be used to bake the foundation, so that it stays on longer. Tinted face powders may be worn alone as a light foundation so that the full face does not look as caked-up as it could.
·         Rouge, blush, or blusher is cheek coloring to bring out the color in the cheeks and make the cheekbones appear more defined. Rouge comes in powder, cream, and liquid forms. Different blush colors are used to compliment different skin tones.

·         Highlight, used to draw attention to the high points of the face as well as to add glow; comes in liquid, cream, and powder forms. It often contains a substance to provide shimmer. Alternatively, a lighter-toned foundation/concealer can be used.

·        Bronzer  gives skin a bit of color by adding a golden or bronze glow and highlighting the cheekbones, as well as being used for contouring. Bronzer is considered to be more of a natural look and can be used for an everyday wear. Bronzer enhances the color of the face while adding more of a shimmery look. It comes in either matte, semi matte/satin, or shimmer finishes.

·         Mascara is used to darken, lengthen, thicken, or draw attention to the eyelashes. It is available in various colors. Some mascaras include glitter flecks. There are many formulas, including waterproof versions .
·         Eye shadow is a pigmented powder/cream or substance used to accentuate the eye area, traditionally on, above, and under the eyelids. Many colors may be used at once and blended together to create different effects. This is conventionally applied with a range of eye shadow brushes, though it isn't uncommon for alternative methods of application to be used.

·         Eye liner is used to enhance and elongate the apparent size or depth of the eye. For example, white eyeliner on the waterline and inner corners of the eye makes the eyes look bigger and more awake. It can come in the form of a pencil, a gel, or a liquid and can be found in almost any color.

·         Eyebrow pencils, creams, waxes, gels, and powders are used to color, fill in, and define the brows.

·         Nail polish is used to color the fingernails and toenails. Transparent, colorless versions may strengthen nails or be used as a top or base coat to protect the nail or polish.

·         Setting spray is used as the last step in the process of applying makeup. It keeps applied makeup intact for long periods. An addition to setting spray is setting powder, which may be either pigmented or translucent. Both of these products claim to keep makeup from absorbing into the skin or melting off.

·         Contouring is designed to give shape to an area of the face. The aim is to enhance the natural shading on the face to give the illusion of a more defined facial structure which can be altered to preference. Brighter skin colored makeup products are used to 'highlight' areas which are wanted to draw attention to or to be caught in the light, whereas darker shades are used to create a shadow. These light and dark tones are blended on the skin to create the illusion of a more definite face shape. It can be achieved using a "contour palette" - which can be either cream or powder.

Makeupremover is a product used to remove the makeup products applied on the skin. It cleans the skin before other procedures, like applying bedtime lotion. Micellar waters are becoming a more common product used to remove makeup. It acts as a two-in-one by removing the makeup and cleansing the skin.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Importance of grooming

Importance of grooming

Grooming and professional appearance are important to gain not just positive impression but also respect in the workplace. First impressions matters a lots and the way you look and carry yourself create an impact on people you get along with in the work setting. Proper grooming and professional appearance is important to both men and women. Lack of these may lead to poor image and may interfere with your chance of getting good impression and positive feedback from your workmates and superiors.

As an individual living and working in a highly complex and modest society, you must recognise and understand the impact of your appearance as it communicates first to you and then to others. While it is important to like what you wear and the way you look, it is more important to understand why or why not and specifically how this affects you, others and your life and the achievement of your goals.
Personal hygiene involves those practices performed by an individual to take care for one's bodily health and well-being, through cleanlinessPersonal grooming is the art of cleaning, grooming, and maintaining parts of the body.
We at Gracious Avatar will help you to learn how to self-groom yourself and create an everlasting impression.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

What is difference between air hostess and cabin crew?

The only difference is the title.
Air hostess is a much more old fashioned term but is still used. 
Cabin Crew is used more and is a more modern term as men also work as cabin
crew these days while they never did back when the only term was air hostess.

Air hostess, Flight attendants or cabin crew are members of an aircrew employed by airlines primarily to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers aboard commercial flight.

Air hostesses provide the human touch on every flight, taking care of passenger needs and keeping everyone safe. Once called stewardesses, they and their male colleagues are now known as flight attendants. They normally receive their training from the airlines.
The lure of travelling worldwide and earning handsome amount of money and add on perks makes flight attendant work attractive to many, despite often difficult working conditions.

 Nature of the Job -Crazy Hours
Air hostesses and stewards work variable shifts, irregular schedules, holidays, nights and weekends.
 Cabin Crew usually has no choice in their schedules. An ordinary shift runs 12 to14 hours per day, but longer shifts are necessary on many international routes.

Is being a flight attendant stressful
 flightattendant’s job is  extremely stressful with long hours and time away from family. Long hours, days away from family, and rude, drunk passengers. Being a flight attendant is not easy.

What is flight attendant job description?

Flight Attendants are generally responsible for ensuring passengers  safety and comfort at all times. Their duties include ensuring that the emergency equipment is working, that the cabin is clean, and that there is an adequate supply of food and beverages. At the end of the flight all passengers are happy and satisfied.

We at Gracious avatar enable you to become for a cabin crew.

Our cabin crew preparation course is designed in such a manner that you will not only become a cabin crew but you will also implement this knowledge throughout your life.
Our professional and aviation experienced faculty members will guide you and direct you.

Overthinking is good or bad?

So let us understand what is Overthinking? Overthinking keeps you busy but takes you nowhere. Most of us go through this iss...